The Wonderful Wizard of Oz comes to Tonies! This beloved classic written by L. Frank Baum follows Dorothy, a young girl from Kansas, as she embarks on a magical journey to the colorful land of Oz. Accompanied by The Tin Man, Scarecrow, Lion, and her dog, Toto, she encounters new friends and faces challenges in her quest to find the Wizard who can help her return home.
This Tonie teaches kids about:
Toniebox sold separately.
Chapter 1: The Tornado
Chapter 2: The Council with the Munchkins
Chapter 3: How Dorothy Saved the Scarecrow
Chapter 4: The Road Through the Forest
Chapter 5: The Rescue of the Tin Woodman
Chapter 6: The Cowardly Lion
Chapter 7: The Journey to the Great Oz
Chapter 8: The Poppy Field
Chapter 9: The Queen of the Field Mice
Chapter 10: The Guardian of the Gates
Chapter 11: The Emerald City of Oz
Chapter 12: The Search for the Wicked Witch
Chapter 13: The Rescue
Chapter 14:The Winged Monekys
Chapter 15: The Discovery of Oz
Chapter 16: The Magic Art of the Great Humbug
Chapter 17: How the Balloon was Launched
Chapter 18: Away to the South
Chapter 19: The Lion Becomes the King of Beasts
Chapter 20:The Country of the Quadlings
Chapter 21: Glinda, The Good With Grants Dorothy's Wish
Chapter 22: Home Again
Total Run Time: 135 minutes